one of the great pleasures of Mashiko was meeting the incredible people who live there. I will write about 2 of them today. Yuko san and Ono san live in a traditional farmhouse, have a pet rooster and know how to throw a party. The night I arrived was cold and rainy, I got lost, got the wrong train, was starting to panic... but when I called ono san he put me at ease. "i am waiting for you." His studio is attached to the house with a beautiful irori, charcoal fire pit. there were plates of food surrounding the fire, in all sizes and styles of pottery. there were a bunch of potters and artists there with us, their faces in the half light of the kitchen were beautiful. we were like the potato eaters, hunkered down around a focal point of fire and food.
Ono san loves music and has an amazing stereo system with huge speakers, he played a great mix of rock and roll and jazz that night, I remember Cannonball Atterly and Janis Joplin, maybe some stones and miles davis? maybe... as the night got later and later we switched from sake to tea to coffee and cake. (3 ish?) then finally a bath and bed. I loved how we all started to relax, sing, listen, snack and tease each other.
Watching Ono san listening to music is a real treat. He can't talk, he sits back in his chair, eyes closed, listening with complete attention. it made me so happy. when i was a child, I didn't go to preschool, I hung out with my mom and listened to records and the radio. We had an old record player that I could stack up with 45's or 78's. I would put a pillow on the edge of the speaker and listen to music for hours.
I have started to listen to music in the studio, when trimming pots or doing things that allows for drifting and half listening. But I, too, am incapable of really listening to music and talking or reading at the same time. I brought a cd of unacompanied violin suites by bach back to them when I returned. We listened to it for hours, I remember falling asleep around the irori with the cd still playing, and finally crawling off to bed. Ono san had a recording of the same music by another artist, so we listened to that one too, hearing the difference in breath, pacing and interpretation. this was one of the highlights of my trip.