these pools, that, though in forest, still reflect
the total sky almost without defect,
and like the flowers beside them, chill and shiver,
will like the flowers beside them soon be gone,
and yet not out by any brook or river,
but up by roots to bring dark foliage on.
the trees that have it in their pent up buds,
to darken nature and be summer woods-
let them think twice
before they use their powers
to blot out and drink up and sweep away
these flowery waters and these watery flowers
from snow that melted only yesterday.
spring pools
Robert Frost
spring has been so rainy and changeable here, we started installing the mural about 2 weeks ago, but the weather has been cold/hot/rainy and windy. yesterday Mike and I started mixing color. I love going through the mixing phase. It is always interesting to see what the internal response is- and how non verbal it is. Looking at gallons of pure color is really exciting. And I always remember going to fabric stores in Lancaster, laying color over color to find the combinations of dull and sharp to make into quilts. My color sensibility has definitely been influenced by the family quilts, handed down. Muted, dusty, worn but sophisticated, instinctive responses to unusual color combinations and dye lot changes.
I also planted some radishes, arugula and herbs in the garden that I am sharing with friends. so excited for greens and things. A couple of drawings.