I just got back from a week of traveling, some down time, some ocean time, and some time in the deep woods of ct and vermont. Sand is still spilling out of sheets and pillow cases...

So beautiful and green, I was at Stone Harbor for the first time w/ jay and new friends, it was overcast the first day, but a perfect excuse to play wiffle ball. On Monday morning a whole pack of us went to the point to look for shells and walk. It was raining pretty hard by the time we got back. So cool.

I was given a ticket to Wanderlust Festival, a yoga and music festival at Stratton Mountain. I am still absorbing 3 class days, (thats 3 yoga classes) lectures, incredible music and so much rain. I used that as an excuse to stop off at Still Mountain Center to hang out with Joy, Jimmy and Ryo for the day. I was able to make some pots in the studio monday night, then joy and I went to see her exhibition at the Billy Morris Gallery in south Kent Ct. The work looks fabulous! check it out if you are in the area.

I got to Stratton Mountain around dusk, glad to land. I stayed in a cabin off site with a bunch of cool people and spent most of my time at the festival taking a variety of classes (some anasura, ashtanga and vinyasa). So interesting, so spacious and intense. I was kind of fine with all that rain, b/c the energy was so high to begin with. It was good to meet new people, I was inspired by the ease and sense of protection the mountain offered. I didn't get to go on hikes or get outside enough b/c of the rain, but loved being inside watching it all happen.
please check out:
Jeff Haynes
todd Boston