Saturday, January 28, 2012

sidelong glance

notes on Christopher Wilmarth

Long Memphis 1973

image from

"an artist is entrusted with an access and required to keep it clear and the tools change with the obstructions but the place is always the same... ungraspable phantom of life..."

"obliquity is essential to Wilmarth's metaphorical imagination- at first literally, when he shaped his lights to make oblique shadows, and later, in a more arcane way, when he thrust out into real space with standing pieces that played upon the convention of perspective and its misleading illusions. The sidelong glance of a sculptor given to reverie is indispensable."

From the catalogue: Christopher Wilmarth: Gravity and Light

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


"how do you make memory? What is the relationship between memory and anticipation? Can you make something that is physical which at the same time evokes the process of remembering? Is it possible to do this and make something fresh? Like dew or frost- something that just is, as if its form has always been like this?"
Antony Gormley about Domain Field

Sunday, January 8, 2012



i n s p i r a t i o n

Slowly getting acquainted again. When it is unknown, be still and alert. From David Garrigues "...Be on the scent of it. That's eno...