Sunday, July 7, 2019

the record
July 1-7
  • Dogs make a road trip better. I drove from PA to NM, and it was slower than I wanted it to be, but better because I had to stop every couple of hours and take a little break.
  • Things take as long as they take. I worked with my dad and Jay to install hardwood flooring into Frank's place. I love working on projects like this, because they force precision in an early 19th c brick row home that has quirky walls and floors. We worked with 4" wide oak, each piece was so beautiful and had some knots. I tried to take it as it came off of the pile, not placing too many. It will outlast all of us- it demands attention, slowness and steadiness. 
  • So much to read - Looking forward to diving into some reading and writing this summer.

i n s p i r a t i o n

Slowly getting acquainted again. When it is unknown, be still and alert. From David Garrigues "...Be on the scent of it. That's eno...